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My Life is Like a Novel
19.08., godz. 10:00 - 15:30
Erica Fischer
Aimée & Jaguar
IT’S NOT AN EASY CONVERSATION TO HAVE18.08., godz. 15:30 - 16:30
An art historian without a happy ending in a museum, and a graduate of the Polska Szkoła Reportażu, for years, she has been collaborating with Wysokie Obcasy and Duży Format, where she is responsible for broadcasts and podcasts. She writes reportage, interviews, columns, and radio play scripts. In 2019, she wrote a book with Agnieszka Pajączkowska A co wyście myślały. Spotkania z kobietami z mazowieckich wsi. Now, she is turning fiction. In March 2021, she published her debut Mireczek. Patoopowieść o moim ojcu (Agora).
pic. Mateusz Skwarczek/