Włodzimierz Nowak Literacki Sopot media


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Włodzimierz Nowak
Obwód głowy

19.08., godz. 18:00 - 19:00


A reporter and culture expert, he runs Studium Reportażu (a reportage workshop) at the Jaracz Theatre in Olsztyn. He is a co-founder of the reportage department at OKO.Press and he was the head of Duży Format, a reporter’s magazine. He lectured at the Polish School of Reportage and the European Solidarity Centre as part of the ‘Metafora faktu’ reporter's workshop. He is the author of Studio DF - a series of video interviews with reporters. He is also a Nike finalist and the winner of the German-Polish Journalism Prize (2009) and the Kazimierz Dziewanowski Award of the Polish Association of Journalists (SDP) (2005) for a series of reportages from Belarus. His Obwód głowy, a collection of texts about the difficult Polish-German neighbourhood, is counted among the classics of Polish reportage. The book reached the final of the 2008 Nike Literary Award, and its German edition (Die Nacht von Wildenhagen) won the Georg Dehio Cultural Prize (2010). A play based on Obwód głowy was produced at the Tadeusz Łomnicki Nowy Theatre in Poznań (directed by Zbigniew Brzoza, premiered in 2014). His second book of reportage, Serce narodu koło przystanku, tells the story of the Polish transformation and its victims (finalist of the Ryszard Kapuściński Award 2009). Niemiec. Wszystkie ucieczki Zygfryda (Nike nomination, 2017) is a book that tackles the question of whether it is possible to escape in life. Is escape even possible? A must-read for those who feel that we have not studied the lessons of the People's Republic of Poland carefully enough. A book for everyone, especially those who were born in the Western Territories. He is a co-author, in partnership with Violetta Szostak, of two interviews: Dżej Dżej. Rozmowy z Jackiem Jaśkowiakiem, prezydentem Poznania and Onyszkiewicz. Bywały szczęśliwe powroty.

pic. Albert Zawada